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Home of the Particle and Nuclear Physics groups at Rice University

Wei Li named Sloan fellow

February 23rd, 2015 by geurts

NPP Seminar by Bora Akgun (Rice)

February 12th, 2015 by geurts

Date: Thursday March 12, 2015  at 4pm
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: CMS pixel detector phase-1 upgrade
Speaker: Bora Akgun (Rice)
The CMS pixel detector is at the centre of the CMS experiment and is made of three barrel layers and four endcap disks. It is essential for the reconstruction of track seeds and secondary vertices.  The CMS experiment is going to upgrade its pixel detector during Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider.
The new detector will provide an additional tracking layer and increased rate capability, suitable for the projected instantaneous luminosities of Run 2, well beyond the original design targets of the present pixel detector.

PhD Thesis defense Julie Hogan

February 5th, 2015 by geurts

Date & Time: February 5, 2015 at 10am

Location: Brockman Hall 200

Title: “Measurement of the Forward-Backward Asymmetry in the Production of B± Mesons in pp ̄ Collisions”


NPP Seminar by Mandy Rominsky (Fermilab)

January 24th, 2015 by geurts

Date: Tuesday February 17, 2015  at noon
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: The New g-2 Experiment at Fermilab
Speaker: Mandy Rominsky (Fermilab)
The measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon provides a test of the standard model and a handle on physics beyond the standard model. There is currently a 3 sigma discrepancy between theory and experiment. With 20 times the statistics and a factor of 4 improvement in the systematic errors, a new experiment at Fermilab aims to resolve this difference. In this talk I’ll discuss the experiment and our recent progress.

Muonic atoms at RHIC (HotQuarks ’14 proceedings), K. Xin

December 18th, 2014 by geurts

Proceedings of Hot Quarks 2014 conference. To be appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

MS Thesis defense Zhenyu Chen

December 17th, 2014 by geurts

Date & Time: December  17, 2014 at 3pm

Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall

Physicists Narrow Search for Solution to Proton Spin Puzzle

November 5th, 2014 by geurts

New RHIC results reveal that gluons make a significant contribution to spin, an important intrinsic particle property; transient sea quarks also play a role.

BNL press release at http://www.bnl.gov/newsroom/news.php?a=25112

Dielectron production in Au + Au collisions from STAR (HardProbes ’13 proceedings), J. Butterworth

October 30th, 2014 by geurts

in press

Search for Muonic Atoms at RHIC (PANIC’14 proceedings), K. Xin

October 30th, 2014 by geurts


NPP Seminar by Xiaodong Jiang (LANL)

October 25th, 2014 by geurts

Date: Tuesday November 4, 2014 at noon
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: Left-right bias in high energy polarized e+n, p+p and p+A collisions
Speaker:Xiaodong Jiang (LANL)

Abstract: Over the last three decades, large single-spin asymmetries have been observed in high energy polarized p?+p?hadron+X reactions on transversely polarized protons. According to perturbative QCD, this type of parity-conserving left-right asymmetry should be very small if produced from collinear quarks. However, when transverse momentum is considered, single-spin asymmetries can be generated either through quarks` angular motion or through transverely polarized quarks’ fragmentation processes. In the last decade, similar single-spin asymmetry phenomena have also been observed in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering (e+N??e’+h+X), and very recently in inclusive hadron productions (e+N??h+X), on transversely polarized targets.I will describe recent experimental results and introduce upcoming transverse single-spin asymmetry measurements for polarized target Drell-Yan production at Fermilab (E1039, p+p? ?mu+mu- X), and for prompt photon and neutral pion productions in p?+p and p?+A collisions with the PHENIX experiment at RHIC