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Archive for the ‘News Releases’ Category

Frank Geurts appointed Deputy Spokesperson STAR Collaboration

July 17th, 2017 by geurts

Frank Geurts, associate professor of physics and astronomy, has been appointed deputy spokesperson for the STAR Collaboration, a group of more than 600 high-energy nuclear physicists from 63 institutes in 13 countries. The collaboration conducts research at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, N.Y. STAR refers to the Solenoid Tracker at RHIC, one of the largest and most sophisticated experiments at the Long Island particle collider.


taken from: Rice News

Symposium and Memorial in Honor of Marj Corcoran

March 22nd, 2017 by geurts

Date: 26 Apr 2017 12:30pm – 5h30pm

Place: Herzstein Hall Room 210, Rice University (may change)

In the memory of Marj Corcoran, we will have a small symposium discussing the physics topics that were of the most interest to her, focused on the various experiments that she contributed to. Following that there will be a memorial and reception at the Cohen House (The Rice Faculty Club). The symposium will begin at 12:30pm and the memorial will begin at 3:30pm.


More information can be found at this link: https://indico.cern.ch/event/624048/


Antimatter not so different after all

November 4th, 2015 by geurts

reproduced from Rice News

Rice University scientists help make first measurement of antiproton attraction.

Due to the diligence of a Rice University student and his calculations, humanity now knows a little more about the universe.

Kefeng Xin, a graduate student at Rice, is one of a handful of primary authors who revealed evidence this week that the attractive force between antiprotons is similar to that between protons — and measured it.

Specifically, the team measured two important parameters: the scattering length and the effective range of interaction between two antiprotons. This gave scientists a fundamental new way to understand the force that holds together the nuclei in antimatter and how this compares to matter.

“This is about the subtle difference in the way matter and antimatter interact with each other,” said Rice physicist Frank Geurts.

Rice University physicist Frank Geurts, left, and graduate student Kefeng Xin are part of the team that made the first measurements of the attractive force between antiprotons. Xin is a primary author of the paper that appears this week in Nature. Photo by Jeff Fitlow

Antiprotons carry the opposite electrical charge and spin that protons do. Like all matter and antimatter, both were created at the instant of the Big Bang. Physicists are still trying to understand why they see so few antiparticles in nature even though particles and antiparticles were produced in equal amounts and annihilate each other on contact.

“It could have been that antimatter didn’t have the same attractive force as matter and would have helped explain how these differences, during the initial part of the Big Bang, might have resulted in antimatter not having survived in the shape of stars and planets, as matter did,” Geurts said.

“That’s where this research is helpful. The interactions between two antimatter particles turn out to be quite similar to matter particles. It may not give us a solution to the bigger problem, but we most definitely removed one option,” he said.

The find was reported in Nature on behalf of the more than 500 scientists, including Geurts, who work on the STAR experiment, part of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory. Brookhaven’s story on the discovery appears here.

The scattering length is a measurement of how particles deviate as they travel from source to destination; their paths are visible as three-dimensional traces captured by STAR (which is short for Solenoid Tracker at RHIC). The effective range indicates how close particles need to be for their charges to influence each other, like magnets.

Both are measured in femtometers. One femtometer is one-millionth of a nanometer; a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter.

For antiprotons measured at RHIC, the scattering length was roughly 7.41 femtometers, and the effective range was 2.14 femtometers, nearly equivalent to their proton counterparts. Measuring distances that small involves both sophisticated equipment and sophisticated calculations.

Scientists working at Brookhaven National Laboratory, including physicists at Rice, have announced the first measurements of the attractive force between antiprotons.

Scientists working at Brookhaven National Laboratory, including physicists at Rice, have announced the first measurements of the attractive force between antiprotons. The discovery gives physicists new ways to look at the forces that bind matter and antimatter. Courtesy of Brookhaven National Laboratory

“This discovery isn’t a surprise,” said Xin, whose Ph.D. thesis focuses on rather exotic systems called muonic atoms. “We’ve been studying the interaction between nucleons (particles that make up an atom’s nucleus) for decades, and we’ve always thought the forces between antimatter particles are the same as for matter. But this is the first time we’ve been able to quantify it.”

Xin, a student of Geurts, applied methods developed in his thesis to the analysis. The first task was to determine which particles produced in a collision were indeed antiprotons and whether any two were in close enough proximity to influence each other. Then came correlating their momentum from creation to destruction, typically a few nanoseconds.

“All of the data we collected in 2011 is from 500 million events (collisions between two heavy gold ions),” Xin said. “Pretty much every event can contribute.”

Antimatter can be created in small amounts with a collider like RHIC and analyzed. The collider accelerates the nuclei of heavy atoms to nearly the speed of light and smashes them together to produce elemental particles, antiparticles and exotic materials like quarks, muons and plasmas. All of these can be characterized by tools built at Rice and elsewhere as part of STAR.

RHIC smashed gold ions to produce hundreds of millions of particles, which can be detected by the ionization traces they leave in a gas-filled cylinder that surrounds the collision and a “time-of-flight” sensor. The instrument, the construction of which was led by Rice, tells researchers how many nanoseconds it takes particles to travel from the point of impact to sensors at the outer boundaries of the collider.

“RHIC is ideal for this kind of experiment because it allows us to dump a boatload of energy into a very small volume and have many particles come out of it,” Geurts said. “The multiplicity is important. If you don’t make a lot of particles, the odds of having them interact with each other is slim.”

Researchers from 52 institutions that are part of the STAR collaboration are co-authors of the Nature paper. Rice co-authors include graduate students Daniel Brandenburg, Joey Butterworth and Nick Luttrell; research scientist Geary Eppley; and Pablo Yepes, a senior faculty fellow in physics and astronomy. Geurts is an associate professor of physics and astronomy.

The research is funded primarily by the Department of Energy Office of Science.

– See more at: http://news.rice.edu/2015/11/04/antimatter-not-so-different-after-all-2/#sthash.MJ7A84cH.dpuf

Rice physicists prep for Large Hadron Collider upgrade

November 4th, 2015 by geurts

reproduced from Rice News

HOUSTON – (Oct. 30, 2015) – Rice University scientists are preparing to do their part to help dramatically increase the capabilities of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s most powerful particle collider. The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), has announced it will move forward on a plan to dramatically increase the LHC’s luminosity, which will boost its ability to discover new elemental particles.

The Rice team led by physicist Karl Ecklund is already thinking hard about what the LHC will require as it ramps up to explore nature by studying its most basic structures. The LHC smashes together protons at near light speed, and the exotic particles that fly from these collisions help physicists answer fundamental questions about matter and the universe. After upgrades are completed in 2025, the LHC will produce 10 times more collisions than it did in 2012. This will allow for more accurate measurements and increase the odds of answering questions about the likes of dark matter and supersymmetry.

“‘Luminosity’ is a word we use in particle physics to characterize how many collisions we have per second,” Ecklund said. Currently, the LHC at full power produces about 1 billion collisions per second. The upgrade, he said, will feed more protons into the energy stream that races around the collider and will use more powerful superconducting magnets to achieve a tighter focus of the stream.

Rice’s part includes the development and construction of improved tracking detectors for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS), one of two major experiments attached to the LHC, a 17-mile ring buried beneath land that borders France and Switzerland. The 13,000-ton CMS finds and characterizes the particles produced by collisions.

For many years, Rice physicists and their students have designed and built components for the CMS. Among the debris that spreads from the collisions, they find evidence of particles that may live for only minute fractions of a second, but whose properties, they suspect, allow our universe to appear as we perceive it. The speed, paths and lifespans of these particles provide clues to their identities.

The CMS website describes its detector as “a cylindrical onion” whose various layers can detect different particles. Because the upgraded LHC will produce much more data, the detectors will need to be smarter, said Ecklund, who is co-leading institutional collaborators in the United States working on the tracker upgrade.

He described CMS tracker elements as “fancy versions of a camera detector,” but much larger. Many of these trackers wrap the chamber where collisions happen. “Part of what we need to do is improve the trackers’ ability to select which events (particle detections) we want to keep. The tracker will have some capability of deciding in real time if an event was interesting enough to keep the data.”

The most sought-after particle found so far is the Higgs boson, predicted by the Standard Model of physics but undetected until 2012. The LHC, restarted at greater power for a second “season” this summer, is expected to refine knowledge about the Higgs in the next year or two. Much of that data will come from the CMS.

Ecklund said the latest announcement is the result of the international parties reaching an agreement on how to move forward with the collider’s development, even though many details have yet to be determined. Much of what Ecklund and his colleagues do now will depend on what the LHC finds in the next couple of years.

“The basic idea is to continue searching for particles we don’t know about yet, but also to study the newest stuff, like the Higgs boson, and try to understand what makes it tick,” he said.

He said the LHC was originally geared toward discovering the Higgs. “But it was also designed as a more general-purpose instrument, like the Hubble Space Telescope: ‘Let’s point it out there and see what we find,’” Ecklund said. “We might also have the chance of discovering something new in the next few years, before we get to the upgrade. Whatever that might be, we’d also like to study it.

“We’re hoping we see a host of new and interesting things,” he said. “Every time we’ve probed the Standard Model or other theories, we usually end up answering one question that immediately poses several more. So there’s not ever really an end, usually just a beginning of another chapter of inquiry.”

– See more at: http://news.rice.edu/2015/10/30/rice-physicists-prep-for-large-hadron-collider-upgrade/#sthash.S15nMv9o.dpuf

Wei Li named Sloan fellow

February 23rd, 2015 by geurts

Physicists Narrow Search for Solution to Proton Spin Puzzle

November 5th, 2014 by geurts

New RHIC results reveal that gluons make a significant contribution to spin, an important intrinsic particle property; transient sea quarks also play a role.

BNL press release at http://www.bnl.gov/newsroom/news.php?a=25112

Wei Li selected for the 2014 DOE Early Career Award

May 7th, 2014 by geurts

Congratulations to Wei Li who has been selected as one of the recipients of the 2014 DOE Early Career Awards!

This award supports the development of individual research programs of outstanding scientists early in their careers and stimulates research careers in the disciplines supported by the DOE Office of Science. Out of almost 750 proposals, 35 have been selected. For more information, go to http://science.energy.gov/early-career


STAR MTD/Endcap TOF Workshop (Nov. 20-22, 2013)

October 23rd, 2013 by geurts

Bonner Lab will host the STAR MTD/eTOF Workshop on Nov. 20-22, 2013.

The Muon Telescope Detector (MTD) is expected to be fully installed and commissioned for the upcoming RHIC Run 14 (starting Feb.’14). Together with the Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT) which is also scheduled for operations during that run, the STAR detector will be in an excellent position to significantly improve its measurements on quarkonia, and lower invariant mass dileptons.

The meeting website can be found at this link: MTD/eTOF 2013 Workshop


Bonner Lab Physicists and the 2013 Nobel Prize for Higgs discovery

October 9th, 2013 by geurts

Bonner Lab faculty in CMS (left to right: Profs. Ecklund, Roberts, Li, Geurts, and Padley)

“The 2013 Nobel Prize in physics was awarded Tuesday to theorists Peter Higgs and Francois Englert for their work developing the theory of what is now known as the Higgs field, but the prize is being celebrated by experimental particle physicists at Rice — and thousands like them — who participated in the groundbreaking 2012 discovery of the Higgs particle that led to the Nobel announcement.”

Taken from http://news.rice.edu/2013/10/08/rice-u-physicists-celebrate-nobel-prize-for-higgs-discovery/ 


Other related links:

Higgs discovery captures Nobel Prize (youtube video)


Rice has long history with CERN


Rice physicists help discover new particle that may be Higgs
