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Posts Tagged ‘theory’

NPP Seminar by Cheuk-Yin Wong (ORNL)

December 31st, 2015 by geurts

Date: Thursday January 28, 2016  at 4pm
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: The Hadron pT Distribution in High-Energy pp Collisions and its Implications
Speaker: Cheuk-Yin Wong (ORNL)
Abstract: Transverse momentum distribution of jets and hadrons provide useful information on the collision mechanisms and their subsequent dynamics. It was found recently that the hadron spectra spanning over 14 decades of magnitude from the lowest of ~0.5 GeV/c to the highest $p_T$ of a few hundred GeV/c at central rapidity in pp collisions at LHC can be adequately described by a single Tsallis distribution with only three
apparent degrees of freedom [1].  The simplicity of the p_T spectrum suggests that a single mechanism dominates over a large pT domain at central rapidity in these high-energy collisions.  As the high-$p_T$ region is known to arise from the relativistic hard-scattering process at high pT, one is led to the suggestion that the hard-scattering process dominates over a very large pT domain in these high-energy pp collisions. We shall explore the implications of the pT distribution on many related topics of the diminishing role of the competing flux-tube fragmentation [2] and the initial conditions for the momentum kick model of the near-side ridge in pp collisions [3].
[1]  C.Y.Wong and G.Wilk, Acta Phys. Pol. {B43}, 2047 (2012);
C.Y.Wong and G.Wilk, Phys. Rev. {D87},114007 (2013);
C. Y. Wong, G. Wilk, L. J. L. Cirto and C. Tsallis,  Phys. Rev. {D91}, 114027 (2015).
[2]  C.Y.Wong, Phys.Rev. {D92}, 074007 (2015).
[3]  C.Y.Wong, Phys.Rev. {C84}, 024901 (2011).

NPP Seminar by Rainer Fries (Texas A&M)

April 14th, 2015 by geurts

Date: Wednesday April 22, 2015  at noon
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: The Quark Recombination Model and Applications in High Energy Collisions
Speaker: Rainer Fries
Quarks, usually captives of confinement, can be liberated in high energy collisions either at small distance scales
or at high temperatures. The process of re-hadronization of quarks in such collisions is a complicated problem in quantum
chromodynamics which is not fully solved. Since ultimately hadrons, or their decay products, are measured in detectors,
effective descriptions and hadronization models are usually used to to describe this important step in a collision. In this
talk I will argue why quark recombination or coalescence models have their place in our toolbox, and what they have
achieved specifically when describing collisions of nuclei at high energies.. I will end with a look at some recent
developments, including a project to describe the hadronization of QCD jets in the presence of quark gluon plasma.

NPP Seminar by Dimitri Kharzeev (SUNY Stony Brook)

March 15th, 2015 by geurts

Date: Tuesday  March 24, 2015 at noon
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: The chiral magnetic effect: from quark-gluon plasma to Dirac semimetals, and back
Speaker: Dimitri Kharzeev (SUNY Stony Brook)
Chirality (“handedness”) is an ubiquitous concept in modern science, from particle physics to biology. Recently it has been realized that chirality has dramatic implications for the macroscopic behavior of systems with chiral particles.
In particular, the imbalance between the densities of left- and right-handed fermions in the presence of magnetic field induces the non-dissipative transport of electric charge (“the Chiral Magnetic Effect”, CME) analogous to superconductivity. In quark-gluon plasma, this leads to the charge asymmetry studied in the experiments at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and the Large Hadron Collider.
Chirality defines the unique properties of recently discovered Dirac semimetals. I will report the observation of CME in a Dirac semimetal ZrTe5, and discuss the implications for heavy ion experiments.

NPP Seminar by Kuver Sinha (Syracuse Univ.)

October 20th, 2014 by geurts

Date: Wednesday October 29, 2014 at noon
Location: 227 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: Cosmology as a Probe of Physics Beyond the Standard Model in 2014
Speaker:Kuver Sinha (Syracuse Univ.)
Abstract: Cosmological observations provide clear evidence that the Universe is made up mainly of dark matter and dark energy, neither of which have an explanation within the Standard Model of particle physics. Moreover, inflation, our best theory for primordial structure formation and the vastness of the universe, remains elusive from the point of view of a microscopic theory. Combined with the mysterious hierarchical distance between the Electroweak scale and the Planck scale, and the question of understanding the Higgs mass, it is clear that the cosmic and energy frontiers are both crying out for new physics. Will Nature be kind enough to make new physics accessible to our experiments? I will talk about my latest research, located at the confluence of these areas, and address some of these fundamental questions in the light of new experimental anomalies seen in both frontiers this year.

NPP Seminar by Mark Strikman (PSU)

October 15th, 2014 by geurts

Date: Tuesday  October 21, 2014 at noon
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: Transverse Geometry of the Hard and Soft pp and pA Collisions at the LHC
Speaker: Mark Strikman (PSU)

Abstract: Decades of studies of hard QCD phenomena provided a precision picture of the distribution of proton constituents (quarks and gluons) over the fraction of energy, x, which they carry in fast nucleons. More recently, studies of the hard exclusive processes provided first information about three dimensional structure of fast nucleons – the x-dependent impact parameter single parton distributions in the nucleon and led to the two scale geometric picture of the proton – proton interactions at the LHC. I will review how this picture explains a number of regularities of hadron production observed at the LHC, and reveals presence of the parton – parton correlations in nucleons. I will also present evidence for existence of significant fluctuations of gluon strength in nucleons as well as fluctuations of the overall strength of the interactions and discuss implications for pp and pA collisions.

NPP Seminar by Carlos Ordonez (UH)

April 25th, 2014 by geurts

Date: Thursday Wednesday May 1, 2014 at 1h30pm
Location: 200 Brockman Hall for Physics, Rice University

Title:  A pedagogical introduction to anomalies in conformal quantum mechanics and some potential applications in cold-atom and graphene systems
Speaker: Carlos Ordonez (UH)
Abstract: The breaking of a classical symmetry at the quantum level as a consequence of the quantization procedure is known as an anomaly (quantum). Anomalies in quantum field theory (chiral, gauge) have a long history and their impact in particle and gravitational physics (including strings) is well known.  Anomalies in quantum mechanics (non-relativistic systems) also exist, although they are not as well-known.  I will describe how these anomalies arise in systems described by conformal quantum mechanics (CQM), following the work of my group at UH. I will also mention some recent applications to cold atoms and possible applications to graphene physics.  The latter is very recent.  The first half of the talk will be dedicated to showing in detail how the anomalies arise in the concrete case of a two-dimensional delta function potential. There rest of the talk will emphasize the (possible) applications.  The emphasis of the talk will be on the conceptual aspects and it will be pedagogical in nature. My hope is that people in the audience (from high-energy, condensed-matter and AMO-physics backgrounds) will find this topic interesting and of potential use in their research.

NPP Seminar by Kevin Dusling (PRL)

March 12th, 2014 by geurts

Date: Tuesday  March 18, 2014 at noon
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: Imaging the proton with multi-particle correlations at the LHC
Speaker: Kevin Dusling (PRL)
Abstract: The Large Hadron Collider at CERN is able to study the structure of the proton at shorter time scales and higher resolution then ever before. The first year of operation brought an entirely unexpected discovery; in proton-proton collisions a peculiar correlation between particles traveling in opposite directions was uncovered in extremely rare events. More recently, a similar correlation was observed in high multiplicity proton-lead collisions. We discuss the implications of these measurements on our understanding of the proton at high energies.

NPP Seminar by Paul Hohler (TAMU)

March 4th, 2014 by geurts

Date: Tuesday March 11, 2014  at 11am
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: Dileptons and chiral symmetry restoration
Speaker: Paul Hohler (TAMU)
Abstract: A long standing goal in heavy ion physics is to identify an experimental signal for chiral symmetry restoration. Ideally this can be achieved by comparing the in-medium spectral functions of chiral partners, such as the light vector and axial-vector mesons (rho and a1). While the in-medium rho spectral function can be obtained from interpretations of dilepton data in heavy ion collisions, measuring the in-medium a1 spectral function remains elusive. This talk will thus discuss theoretical techniques which can be used to calculate the in-medium axial-vector spectral function given a rho spectral function which describes available dilepton data so that the question of chiral symmetry can be critically addressed. We will demonstrate that the combination of QCD and Weinberg sum rules provide a powerful selection method for the axial-vector spectral functions. Using this at different temperatures, we can obtain a temperature progression from the vacuum towards restoration, and show that experimental results of the vector channel suggest compatibility with restoration.  Results will also be presented from an effective theory approach which can calculate the spectral functions in both channels in vacuum and in-medium from a microscopic perspective. This serves as a foundation for future systematic studies in this area.

NPP Seminar by Ivan Vitev (LANL)

January 31st, 2014 by geurts

Date: Tuesday  Febr. 18 2014, at noon
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: Jet physics with heavy ions at the LHC
Speaker: Ivan Vitev (LANL)
Abstract: In the past several decades, advances in the theory of strong interactions can be traced through theoretical and experimental developments in understanding the physics of jets in high-energy collider experiments. Jets have been instrumental in establishing Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) and the parton model. Jet physics is the frontier where nuclear and particle physics intersect. In this talk, I will describe the theory that underlays jet production in ultra-relativistic collisions of heavy nuclei at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).  I will show how insightful choices of experimental observables can help elucidate the differences between vacuum and in-medium parton showers and pinpoint the properties of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) produced in heavy ion reactions. Toward the end of the talk I will discuss a new effective theory of jet propagation in matter that is being developed with the goal of improving heavy ion phenomenology.

UH Physics Colloquium by Matt Luzum (LBNL)

October 25th, 2013 by geurts

On October 29 at 4pm   Matt Luzum (LBNL) will give a physics colloquium at UH.

UH Colloquia are scheduled on Tuesdays at 4:00pm in SR1 room 634.