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Posts Tagged ‘theory’

NPP Seminar by Matt Luzum (LBNL)

October 24th, 2013 by geurts

Date: Wednesday Oct.30, 2013 at noon
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: Hot Quark Soup: Viscosity, Flow and Flow Fluctuations in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
Speaker: Matt Luzum (LBNL)
Relativistic heavy-ion collisions probe the properties of extremely
high temperature matter (~10^12 degrees), where there is expected to
exist a new phase of matter called the Quark-Gluon Plasma.  These
experiments indicate the presence of a medium that behaves as a
strongly-coupled, almost-perfect fluid.  I review some of the key
results that indicate this strong collective behavior, and outline the
current progress toward quantifying properties of the system, such as
the shear viscosity of the Quark-Gluon Plasma

P&A Colloquium by Thomas Schaefer (North Carolina State)

October 17th, 2013 by geurts

On October 23 at 4pm Thomas Schaefer (North Carolina State) will the P&A colloquium at Rice

NEARLY PERFECT FLUIDITY: From Cold Atoms to Hot Quarks and Gluons
A dimensionless measure of fluidity is the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density. In this talk I will argue that fluidity is a sensitive probe of the strength of correlations in a fluid. I will also discuss evidence that the two most perfect fluids ever observed are also the coldest and the hottest fluid ever created in the laboratory. The two fluids are cold atomic gases (~10^-6^ K) that can be probed in optical traps, and the quark gluon plasma (~1012K) created in heavy ion collisions at RHIC and the LHC. Remarkably, both fluids come close to a bound on the shear viscosity that was first proposed based on calculations in string theory, involving the non-equilibrium evolution of back holes.

Rice P&A Colloquia are scheduled on Wednesdays at 4:00pm in Brockman Hall for Physics (BRK), room 101.

Graduate students are encouraged to meet the speaker for coffee & cookies between 1h15-2pm in BRK 200.

POSTPONED == NPP Seminar by Ivan Vitev (LANL)

October 7th, 2013 by geurts

The upcoming seminar by Dr. Vitev, scheduled for Oct.15,  is postponed as a result of the recent Federal Government Shutdown.


UH Physics Colloquium by Frithjof Karsch (BNL)

September 26th, 2013 by geurts

On Tuesday September 24 at 4pm  Frithjof  Karsch (BNL) will give a physics colloquium at UH on Lattice QCD.

UH Colloquia are scheduled on Tuesdays at 4:00pm in SR1 room 634.