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NPP Seminar by Rainer Fries (Texas A&M)

Date: Wednesday April 22, 2015  at noon
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: The Quark Recombination Model and Applications in High Energy Collisions
Speaker: Rainer Fries
Quarks, usually captives of confinement, can be liberated in high energy collisions either at small distance scales
or at high temperatures. The process of re-hadronization of quarks in such collisions is a complicated problem in quantum
chromodynamics which is not fully solved. Since ultimately hadrons, or their decay products, are measured in detectors,
effective descriptions and hadronization models are usually used to to describe this important step in a collision. In this
talk I will argue why quark recombination or coalescence models have their place in our toolbox, and what they have
achieved specifically when describing collisions of nuclei at high energies.. I will end with a look at some recent
developments, including a project to describe the hadronization of QCD jets in the presence of quark gluon plasma.

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