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NPP Seminar by Satya Nandi (Oklahoma State University)

April 1st, 2018 by geurts

Date: Thursday April 12, 2018  at 4pm
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: A new model connecting the intensity and the energy frontier
Speaker: Satya Nandi (Oklahoma State University)


A new model for the generation of the neutrino mass will be presented. The model has a triply charged Higgs boson whose mass is naturally at the TeV scale. This can be pair produced at the LHC, and its decay give rise to same sign trileptons in the final state. Depending on the parameter space, its decay can also produce displaced vertex. These signals will be within reach of the current or future runs of the LHC. The model also has interesting implications for the dark matter.

NPP Seminar by William Horowitz (Capetown, SA)

February 25th, 2018 by geurts

Date: Thursday March 1, 2018  at 4pm
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: Open and Closed Heavy Flavor in Heavy Ion Collisions from AdS/CFT
Speaker: William Horowitz (Univ. of Capetown, South Africa)


We present novel predictions for open and closed heavy flavor suppression in heavy ion collisions from AdS/CFT.  Including only leading order mean energy loss, AdS/CFT overpredicts the suppression of D and B mesons as measured by RHIC and LHC.  However, fluctuations in the energy loss provides the crucial bridge to data.  We derive a new result for the fluctuations in energy loss for open heavy flavor in AdS/CFT including a new, independent calculation of the transport coefficient qhat.  With this result for the fluctuations, our predictions for D and B meson suppression are in surprisingly good agreement with data.  We extend the phenomenological application of AdS/CFT to closed heavy flavor by computing the suppression of Upsilon at LHC.  Using the complex quarkonia potential derived from AdS/CFT, we compute the complex binding energies of the quarkonia.  Just like the open heavy flavor case, the suppression prediction based on this leading order, non-fluctuating complex binding energy leads to an oversuppression of Upsilon compared to data.  We conclude with a discussion future avenues of research in strongly-coupled heavy flavor physics in heavy ion collisions.

NPP Seminar by Daniel Whiteson (University of Chicago)

February 14th, 2018 by geurts

Date: Friday February 23, 2018  at 3pm
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: Deep Learning in High Energy Physics
Speaker: Daniel Whiteson (University of Chicago)

Abstract:Recent advances in artificial intelligence offer opportunities to disrupt the traditional techniques for data analysis in high energy physics. I will describe the new machine learning techniques, explain why they are particularly well suited for particle physics, and present selected results that demonstrate their new capabilities.

NPP Seminar by Wenqin Xu (University of South Dakota)

February 3rd, 2018 by geurts

Date: Thursday April 5, 2018  at 4pm
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: Understanding the Nature of Neutrinos via Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Speaker: Wenqin Xu (University of South Dakota)

Abstract:Neutrinos provide a critical portal to physics beyond the Standard Model, but many neutrino properties are still largely unknown. The seesaw model can readily explain the small but non-zero neutrino mass and it requires neutrinos to be Majorana particles, i.e. fermions that are their own antiparticles. Neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay is a hypothetical lepton-number-violating process that is possible only if neutrinos are Majorana particles. The discovery of 0νββ decay would unambiguously establish the Majorana nature of neutrinos and explicitly show that the total lepton number is violated. A measurement of the decay rate may yield information regarding the absolute neutrino mass.

Deploying 44 kg of high-purity Germanium (HPGe) detectors at the 4850′ level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota, the Majorana Demonstrator (MJD) experiment is an ultra-low background experiment searching for  0νββ decay in 76Ge. The construction and commissioning of MJD has completed and the multiple-year data-taking has started. At the meantime, more than 200 researchers around the world, including many Majorana collaborators, have formed a new collaboration for the Large Enriched Germanium Experiment for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (LEGEND). The LEGEND collaboration aims to develop a phased, 76Ge based 0νββ decay experimental program with discovery potential at a half-life beyond 1028 years. In this talk, we will review the physics of 0νββ decay. We will discuss initial results from the Majorana Demonstrator experiment and the status of the LEGEND project.

NPP Seminar by Xiaochun He (Georgia State University)

November 6th, 2017 by geurts

Date: Thursday November 9, 2017  at 4pm
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: Cosmic Ray Flux Measurements at Global Scale and the Associated Applications
Speaker: Xiaochun He (Georgia State University)
Abstract: Cosmic ray radiation has galactic origin and consists primarily of protons and a small percentage of heavier nuclei. The primary cosmic ray particles interact with the molecules in the atmosphere and produce showers of secondary particles at about 15 km altitude. In recent years, with the advancement of particle detection technology and massive computing power, there is a growing interest of exploring the applications of cosmic rays ranging from muon tomography, space and earth weather monitoring, etc. In this talk, I will present the recent work at Georgia State University on cosmic ray shower simulation, the development of low-cost cosmic ray detectors, and the plan for building a network of cosmic ray detectors around the globe.

NPP Seminar by Michela Paginini (Yale)

October 31st, 2017 by geurts

Date: Monday November 13, 2017  at 4pm
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: Accelerating Science with Deep Learning
Speaker:  Michela Paginini (Yale)
Abstract: With a rate of approximately 1 billion proton-proton collisions per second at an energy of 13 TeV, data sets from high energy physics collected at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are ideal for the application of machine learning. As new particles are created and detected, they produce high-dimensional, multi-modal streams of information that can be cast as sequential, image-based, causal learning tasks. In this talk, I will explore applications of computer vision techniques to improve generative and discriminative capabilities at the LHC. Specifically, I will outline the methodologies in a recent contribution where we introduced a deep generative model to enable high-fidelity, fast, detector simulation and achieved preliminary speed-up factors of up to 100,000x. Although there are still open challenges, this work represents a significant stepping stone toward a full neural network-based simulator that could save significant computing time and enable many analyses at the LHC and beyond. I will conclude with applications of deep learning to analysis scenarios and ideas for future machine learning powered solutions in high energy physics.

NPP Seminar by Dmitri Kharzeev (BNL, Stony Brook University)

October 9th, 2017 by geurts

Date: Thursday October 12, 2017  at 4pm
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: Probing Quantum Entanglement and Decoherence in Hadron Collisions
Speaker: Dmitri Kharzeev (BNL, Stony Brook University)
Abstract: The problem of evaluating the parton distribution function is formulated in terms of the entanglement entropy.  The entanglement between the part of the hadron probed in a hard scattering and the rest of the hadron is found to be related to the conventional parton distribution. Using nonlinear evolution equations of QCD, we compute the entanglement entropy resolved by hard scattering at  a given Bjorken x and momentum transfer. At small x, the relation between the entanglement entropy S(x) and the parton distribution xG(x) becomes very simple: S(x)=ln[xG(x)]. In this small x, large rapidity Y regime, all  partonic microstates have equal probabilities, and the entanglement entropy is maximal—so at small x, hard scattering probes a maximally entangled state. We propose the entanglement entropy as an observable that can be studied in hard scattering. This will require event-by-event measurements of hadronic final states, and would allow to study the transformation of entanglement entropy into the Boltzmann one. We compare our predictions to the available experimental data from the LHC.

P&A Colloquium: Dmitri Kharzeev (BNL, Stony Brook University)

October 9th, 2017 by geurts

Date: Wednesday October 11, 2017  at 4pm
Location: 101 Brockman Hall, Rice University

Title:CHIRALITY: From Particles and Nuclei to Quantum Materials
Speaker:Dmitri Kharzeev (BNL, Stony Brook University)
Abstract: Chirality is an ubiquitous concept in modern science, from particle physics to biology. In quantum physics, chirality is linked to the topology of gauge fields due to the quantum chiral anomaly.  While the quantum anomaly is usually associated with the short-distance behavior, recently it has been realized that it affects also the macroscopic behavior of fluids with chiral fermions. In particular, the local imbalance between left- and right-handed  fermions in the presence of magnetic field induces the non-dissipative transport of electric charge (“the Chiral Magnetic Effect”). In heavy ion collisions, there is an ongoing search for this effect at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and the Large Hadron Collider. Very recently, the Chiral Magnetic Effect has been discovered in ZrTe5 and other materials possessing chiral quasi-particles. These observations open a path towards applications.

Frank Geurts appointed Deputy Spokesperson STAR Collaboration

July 17th, 2017 by geurts

Frank Geurts, associate professor of physics and astronomy, has been appointed deputy spokesperson for the STAR Collaboration, a group of more than 600 high-energy nuclear physicists from 63 institutes in 13 countries. The collaboration conducts research at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, N.Y. STAR refers to the Solenoid Tracker at RHIC, one of the largest and most sophisticated experiments at the Long Island particle collider.


taken from: Rice News

NPP Seminar by Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler (UH)

April 24th, 2017 by geurts

Date: Tuesday, May 2, 2017  at 11am
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: Scanning the perfect fluid with hadrons and dileptons
Speaker: Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler (UH)

Abstract: Relativistic heavy-ion experiments at Brookhaven National Laboratory have successfully reproduced the Quark Gluon Plasma in the laboratory, which is the smallest fluid known to humankind.  The QGP acts as a nearly perfect fluid whose flow fluctuations are extremely well described by event-by-event relativistic viscous hydrodynamics.   Additionally, the QGP can be scanned by particles produced in the early stages after the collision such as high pT particles. There is an enhancement of the flow fluctuations at high pT, which indicates the importance of energy loss fluctuations in a strongly interacting medium.  Recently, dilepton studies have gained attention since these particles allow one to scan different parts of the QGP evolution.  Here we use the state of the art IP-Glasma+MUSIC model to analyze their dilepton flow fluctuations where we find there is a suppression in the fluctuations, in contrast to both the soft and hard sectors associated with light hadrons.