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Joint NPP/Cold-Atom Seminar by Paul Romatschke (CU Boulder)

Date: Monday , April 24, 2017  at 2pm
Location: 300 Brockman Hall, Rice University

Title: The Physics of Non-Hydrodynamic Modes
Speaker: Paul Romatschke (CU Boulder)

Abstract: Examples for hydrodynamic collective modes are sound waves, shear and diffusive modes. But what are non-hydrodynamic collective modes? Most physicists likely have never ever heard about non-hydrodynamic modes in their entire career. Indeed, there does not seem to be a single textbook on this topic. This seminar will give an introduction to the physics of non-hydrodynamic modes, featuring gravitational waves, string theory predictions for experiment, cold atoms close to unitarity and heavy-ion collisions.


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