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NPP Seminar by Monika Grothe (CERN)

Date: Friday September 27, 2013 at 1pm
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Speaker: Monika Grothe (CERN)
Title:  Luminosity determination for the 2012 pp data in CMS
Abstract:  In this talk, the Van-der-Meer (VdM) scan methodology for absolute luminosity calibration at the LHC will be described, as well as its application to the 2012 pp data taken with CMS. The talk will put some emphasis on systematic effects in the VdM method that became apparent during the 5 VdM scan campaigns carried out in 2012. The obtained luminosity calibration for the 2012 CMS pp data, recently published as CMS PAS LUM-13-001, will be presented as well.

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