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NPP Seminar by JiJi Fan (Brown Univ)

Date: Thursday Oct. 18, 2018  at 4pm
Location: 223 Herman Brown Hall, Rice University

Title: Axion couplings and implications for cosmology and astrophysics
Speaker: JiJi Fan (Brown Univ)


Many cosmological models rely on large couplings of axions (pseudo-scalar fields) to gauge fields. Examples include theories of magnetogenesis, inflation on a steep potential, chiral gravitational waves, and chromonatural inflation. I will discuss the extent to which these large couplings could be explained as a product of order one numbers in a UV completed particle physics model: in the parlance of our times, can these cosmological models be “clockworked”?

I will also discuss possible self-couplings of the axions and their implications for the formation of exotic compact objects such as axion stars.


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